It is absolutely foolhardy…

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It is absolutely foolhardy to burn wood pellets for fuel. Burning wood is very dirty and adds to our air pollution and climate crisis. Our SHARED forests need to remain standing, holding carbon dioxide and providing a cooling effect and a home for countless flora and fauna. Old-growth forests are more than the sum of their parts -- they can NOT be replaced with mono or few-species plantings.

Put money and research into renewable, clean, safe (not nuclear) energy technologies -- not more filthy shortsighted schemes. It's essential to all our lives on this planet that we COOL it. Without a livable climate, we do not survive. This is the biggest problem confronting humanity right now and it is URGENT. Of course fossil fuel workers need new jobs. Let those jobs be in renewable energy fields. Tax the rich and transition workers into fields that benefit us all. That's a win-win.