I believe biomass energy,…

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I believe biomass energy, especially the production of wood pellets, is a serious mistake and cannot be considered a part of any serious or science based climate action plan. Why would we have spent so much political capital and money to end the burning of coal just to replace it with biomass wood pellets that are dirtier than coal at the smokestack?

It also makes no sense as the federal government commits to and Ontario collaborates in planting trees when forest biomass projects destroy mature trees that are far more powerful carbon sinks than newly planted trees.

I sincerely believe that this approach is a danger to our planetary survival but it is designed to support the extractive forest industry at a time when we need to make the shift off all fuels that add additional greenhouse gas emissions to our atmosphere. The forestry industry and the Government of Ontario need to get onside with climate change solutions and biomass is not one of them no matter how hard you spin it. This is not a just transition for fossil fuel workers either as wood pellets and biomass fuels will not improve our GHG emissions in Ontario, so where is the transition we just swapping one climate destructive job with another.