The current D-series Land…

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The current D-series Land Use Compatibility provide an adequate guide for land use planning for municipalities, however, more restrictive guidelines are welcome to help mitigate land use compatibility discrepancies where sensitive land use and industrial facilities are concerned. Compromises to the environment or residents property rights should not occur to accommodate a Made-In-Ontario Environment Plan. A safe environment should always come before employment where coexistence of sensitive land use and industrial facilities have any adverse effects on the other.
Implementation of more stringent policies or guidelines would be helpful to protect our environment against noise, vibrations, odour and dust. The definition of minor noise, vibrations, odours and dust in areas of influence (AOI) should have definitive guidelines, a rural setting where noise/dust/odour travels across water, through a bush or dependant on wind direction is different than an urban setting where noise/dust/odour is more controlled.

Please consider my comments for a healthier and more cohesive environment.