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not sure if this comment is the type your looking for but I do feel strongly that as a home owner in a small community in ON I'd like to be informed about what is going on next door . Right now there is a large company wanting to build an asphalt plant. This is basically next door to us. We didn't know anything about this until This company delivered a letter to a neighbour telling of their plans, that neighbour posted this letter on FB to see if anyone else knew what was going on. That is how we found out about it. They were given permission to run a temporary asphalt plant which no one knew about, Over the last 2 years we would get an oily smell in our yard and then it would be gone. and then there is the dust that covers our cars, windows and patio furniture.
We have lived here since 1977 and zoning has been granted for a commercial business to be built next door, when we questioned it, we were told "well since they've started building we can't do anything" .The property this was built on what was zone rural residential, we were never told that it was being rezoned.
Also property that the company that wants to build the asphalt plant on was farm land, we were never asked if we had a problem if the zoning was changed from rural to allow a quarry to expand.
Things need to be in the open. This asphalt plant has cause so much stress to our family and many other families in this town