I am living within 1 km of…

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I am living within 1 km of this site. We know the property and the adjacent properties well as we have at one time over the years farmed these properties. I will list the reasons having an Approved Hauled Sewage Disposal Site located at L4 and 5, concession 3 EML (1108 Zion Line, Pappin Road) Whitewater Township, Renfrew County is problematic.
A school is located within 0.3 km of the entrance to the site and when the site was last used in 2016 and 2017 at the time this Company was renting the property, multiple sewage truck traffic passed the school and turned into the site. The children at the school complained about the smell of sewage.

A neighbors well was contaminated with E Coli and a father and his son were very ill at that time. The Renfrew County and District Health Unit tested the well and found E.coli contamination. The Ottawa Office of the MECP was notified and had the E.coli typed and the report given to the neighbor was that it was a non animal type of E.coli. The neighbor suspected the heavy dumping of sewage on the near by property was the cause. He visited the site and found sewage was being dumped beside an open irrigation pond. The neighbor's well continued to show E.coli overgrown in his well in October ,and November of 2016. After November 30th when the Nutrient Management rules prevent the dumping of sewage until April of 2017, the well contamination cleared. We the neighbors concluded that the issue was directly related to the raw sewage being spread across the road from this contaminated well on a field accessed from Pappin road.
The representative from MECP denied there was a pond on the site as it could not be seen by satellite pictures. We the neighbors know it is there as my husband dug it many years previous to use as an irrigation source of water.
The site we concluded was not being routinely monitored or they would have seen the sewage dumping close to the open water.

A new owner has taken over the property beside this Approved Hauled sewage Disposal site. He has a recreational cabin near the line fence within 90 meters of this site. The setback is not in compliance. He spends many weekends at this cabin on weekends with his family. This new land owner plans to build his home near the site in 2022 and is restricted in where the house and well can be located due to raw sewage spreading on the adjacent property and fear of well contamination.

There are 9 neighbors with single residence near this site, who fear their wells could be contaminated if sewage spreading at this site is Approved. The Company now owns the property and has purchased it to use as a Hauled Sewage Disposal site. The Renfrew County and District Health Unit suggested after the contaminated well incident that the close neighbors of this site use an infa red light to keep their well water safe to drink.

It should be noted that a County of Renfrew Cycling and Walking trail, which attracts many off road Cycling enthusiasts, and hikers, is located within .5 km of the sewage dumping site. The smell of sewage will reduce the natural beauty of this experience.

Signage is not posted at this site as required by the Renfrew County Official Plan for sewage disposal sites.

Frequent sewage truck traffic observed by neighbors to this site when last active in 2016- 2017 lead us to believe that #14 Hauled Sewage shall only be spread at the site at the lower of fifteen liters per square meter per seven days or such other lower rate which ensures that ponding or runoff from the site does not occur....Heavy spreading occurred at that time. How could they have been in compliance? How many visits did the Ottawa Office of the MECP make to this site to monitor it was in compliance in 2016- 2017 and how often will they monitor compliance if it is Approved now?

There are 5 sites Approved in a 1 mile radius in this area with wetlands and waterways surrounding them all. Do the MECP have a limit on dumping sites in one small area? Do you have enough staff in the Ottawa office to monitor these sites for continued compliance? As you know, if not monitored frequently, too many truck loads of sewage will be dumped and sometimes in the wrong spot. The Company is paid for the amount of sewage it hauls. The more they haul and dump the more money they make....It is a business. Wildlife and Environmental safety are not top priority. We are all the Stewarts of this Environment.

An endangered species of turtle was seen just last week on the Pappin Road near the location of this Approved site. This area with its large tracts of wetland is the habitat for many species of aquatic life.
We don't understand how the MECP would allow so much contamination of land and waterways in this area.

Raw sewage is hauled from Quebec into this Ontario location. Why is Quebec sewage not being dumped in Quebec? Quebec residents don't pay taxes in this area.

There is a better solution. A Sewage Treatment Plant is located a short distance from these sewage dumping sites. The staff at the Treatment Plant indicate that they have the capacity to treat all the raw sewage from this region. There need not be extra cost to the customer as other companies in the area provide this service and take the raw sewage to the Treatment Plant for a lesser fee.
The Treatment Plants follow strict guidelines for disposal of the biosolids.

These are some of the reasons we feel this site would not be in Compliance and should not have the Approval renewed by the MECP.
We have already sent a package to MECP with supporting documents and Renfrew County layered maps to show marsh land and waterway locations in relation to the 5 sites Approved in this area.