#The attached submission is…

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Commentaire fait au nom

Action Sandy Hill, Glebe Community Assoc, Lowertown Community Assoc, New Edinburgh Community Alliance, Rockcliffe Park Residents Assoc

Statut du commentaire


#The attached submission is from 15 heritage conservation districts in Ottawa. We want our names published - they appear at the end of the submission.
#As a legislated matter of provincial interest, the Ottawa Official Plan must protect heritage conservation districts from any development that is not contextually appropriate. To ensure contextually appropriate development, elements of built form, including height, scale and massing of development must conserve the defined cultural heritage value and attributes of heritage conservation districts as detailed in HCD plans. The language in the OP must be clarified/strengthened in order to accomplish this.
# It should be specified in the Ottawa OP that: 1. Where established lot sizes and patterns form part of the heritage character of HCDs, contiguous land under one ownership does not create a new lot if this would result in a lot that differs from the established lot sizes and pattern in the associated streetscape. 2. The definition of "property" from the Ontario Heritage Act applies in HCDs in Ottawa.
3. To provide Ottawa HCDs with the protection envisaged by the PPS, "adjacent lands" should be defined to include those lands adjoining a property in a HCD or lands that are across from or near to a property in a HCD and separated by land used as a private or public road, lane, trail, right-of-way, walkway, green space, or park.

Supporting documents