This effort seems to me to…

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This effort seems to me to be a total red herring. Rather than proper public consultation this interface is flawed & seems designed to avoid any real participation. By claiming this kind of nonsense is "public consultation " it gives those vested interests who have made closed door decisions to state with a straight face the public has been consulted.

Specifically the proposals listed are at odds with the published intentions. For example, how does the allowing for 4 storey monster homes on a residential lot positively impact "the missing middle"? The result of such a change will only further drive up prices as modest homes in desirable neighbourhoods will be "Super Sized".

Where are the policies to produce rent geared to income housing? Where are the policies to improve existing social housing projects? Where are the policies to encourage CO-OP housing, a PROVEN model that works? Where are discussion on alternative land development models such as land banking & land trusts where the actual property is rented? Were are the proposed University & College student housing facilities that don't put undue stress on local neighbourhoods and the associated financial help to students with accommodation costs? Where are the proposals to allow for Car Free or Car limited neighbourhoods? Where are the proposals to ensure that all plans of subdivisions are multi use? Where are the plans to ensure grid street layouts in all new subdivisions? Where are the plans to house the vulnerable? Where are the plans for social housing?

Allow me to answer your stacked questions: #1 The present Government of Ontario's car centric mania. #2 See number one #3 See MY questions above #4 Change the car centric mania and the top down approach presently in place and additional centralization being proposed. Do away with the centralized appeal process & revert back to the various appeal tribunals reestablish the LPAT with the emphasis on LOCAL. Reverse changes to the Heritage act and insert a focus on keeping existing buildings, adaptive re-use & major penalties for demolition by neglect. Require all commercial development to have a housing component.