Discussion Questions…

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Discussion Questions

Question 1:
• What are the biggest barriers and delays to diversifying the types of housing built in existing neighbourhoods?
The biggest barrier is the “tear down, clear cut and build new mentality”. Adaptively re-using existing structures would be much more efficient and better for the environment. As we all know, the greenest building is the one that is already built. Embodied energy is conserved and trees are saved.

Question 2:
• What further changes to the planning and development process would you suggest to make it easier to support gentle density and build missing middle housing and multigenerational housing, in Ontario?
The need for municipal planning as well as development and even building permits could be avoided altogether if people were aware that the homes they already own could be adapted for multigenerational living or rental possibilities. Much more promotion of these options is needed.

Question 3:
• Are you aware of innovative approaches to land use planning and community building from other jurisdictions that would help increase the supply of missing middle and multigenerational housing?
Two former schools in Port Hope have been adapted for residential use - one for condominiums and the other for affordable housing - and a third school is currently being modified for a mixture of both. Many second and third storeys of commercial buildings in the Port Hope Heritage District have been turned into apartments which has also helped to increase housing opportunities in the Town.

Question 4:
• Are there any other changes that would help support opportunities for missing middle and multigenerational housing?
Second and third storey apartments over Main Street Heritage Commercial establishments is an option for providing additional housing. Making such modifications should be made as easy as possible for the building owners.