I am not in favour of this…

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I am not in favour of this proposal at all. This has really been an extreme back-tracking from the Ford Government. Before the election last year, he said his government would not touch the greenbelt, and now it seems he has hoped we all forgot about that. I am really ashamed this behaviour - particularly this coupled with how CUPE was handled.

We need more housing, but not here. Instead we need laws that will compel municipalities to build with increased density and overcome a lot of the NIMBY sentiments by a few loud (and typically wealthy) people in favour of average residents who are looking for smaller, affordable living spaces, well-connected to transit and close (walking or biking) distance to key services. Developing out just worsens traffic, worsens environmental outcomes (drinking water, in particular), and makes cities less livable. This is just not sustainable.

I think this government lacks creativity if it thinks it is a choice between "more housing" and "protected environmental spaces". It's a false choice. You can have more housing on the land you already have if you compel the correct zoning practices in major urban centres.

My family and I do not support the Greenbelt development plan - save this space for future generations!