Many of these areas where…

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Many of these areas where Green spaces will be removed in order to build housing are already overcrowded, and the infrastructure is not there to handle the extra traffic and pedestrians.

The streets and transit options should be heavily reviewed before even considering building, and the areas where people live currently should be reviewed as well.

Many of the issues with finding places to live have to do with pricing and availability, and rather than focusing on giving business to Doug Ford's friends, the government should be looking at derelict/unused/underused properties, rent relief to encourage people to move out of central areas and into strategic low-population areas, and the infrastructure to support moves and people who must rely on transit for their commute. Also, consider re-zoning un/underused commercial areas to residential.

If the government chooses to take away green spaces, there should also be mandates to add as many in areas that will be built up.

Taking away protected green areas, and adding more construction and more commuters to our roadways are not how we protect our land and environment.

Also, Doug Ford literally said he would protect it. What he wants is not what the people of Ontario want. What he wants only reflects the needs of the few, the rich, and his friends.