I strongly object to the…

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I strongly object to the plan to open up the greenbelt for housing.

While the need for affordable housing is urgent, using the greenbelt will not contribute to affordability or sustainability. Those goals requires a combination of careful planning to ensure that development is encouraged where transit and services exist , where sustainable density can be achieved and where active transportation, rather than private cars can be supported. Decades of failure have demonstrated that affordable housing cannot be achieved without direct government investment to reduce capital or land costs and clear program rules to ensure that there is true affordability and that the affordability is durable (preferably in perpetuity)

Given the urgent climate crisis and the need for Ontario to radically reduce its carbon footprint, extending residential development into the protected greenbelt is not just regressive, it is irresponsible and ignores our responsibility to youth and future generations. Increased densification of existing urban centres that have the potential to support green city building is the appropriate strategy.

Finally, the proposal to open up the Greenbelt does not pass the sniff test. The promise that was made by Premier Ford to developer supporters of in 2018, later rescinded when publicized, now revived creates a concerning air of cronyism and conflict of interest. Has the ownership of the proposed lands been made public? Are we to see the same group of developers who are benefitting from the unprecedented MZOs, and the decision to revive the 413? Is Ontario for sale to PC donors? Or are we committed to continuing to promote and defend environmental stewardship.

Addressing affordable housing or general housing supply is not incompatible with environmental stewardship. That is what the Places to Grow plan was addressing. What this government should have as a priority is promoting smart and effective densification within existing urban boundaries and aggressively protecting irreplaceable natural green assets.