Destroying farmland and…

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Destroying farmland and wetlands that filter our water and mitigate flooding risks, seems an awful idea.

The 2019 pandemic showed us we need local food sources.

Health and nutrition depends on being able to have a say over how our food is grown; harmful chemicals and nutrient content, as well as animal welfare standards are out of reach of our control if we don't produce our own food in our own country.

Ontario has farmland possibilities in the South, where the building on the greenbelt is proposed.

Why build unaffordable homes - that only the richest in society can afford- on farmland that feeds everyone in Ontario with healthy food, at a time when food prices are increasing and global supply is reducing?

Food prices are already a struggle for many Ontarians.

Many species in Southern Ontario are at risk of extinction.

The more species goes extinct, the more fragile the ecosystem services (lile water filtration) become.

Accessing nature for well-being is already financially unfeasible for many Southern Ontarians.

Reducing housing standards doesnt seem to benefit anyone but the potential profit of developers (who seem to fund Doug Ford's campaign).

The Greenbelt should NOT be an assesst politicians can use to PAY their donors with.

Political donors who get payments in terms of huge profits at the expence of everyone else, should not be allowed to be called "donors".

The gap between the wealthy and the poor seems to keep widening.

Do we want a future for our children with water that makes them sick, food covered in carcinogenic pesticides and herbicides, scorching hot concrete, unaffordable noisey aircon, nutrient-poor food?

If we want natural, free, cooling systems lile trees, vegetation, wetlands, and affordable food that allows for healthful Ontarians, then we shouldn't allow a handful of developers to make huge profits at the expence of everyones well-being.