It’s illogical to unprotect…

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It’s illogical to unprotect these lands and to reduce the environmental assessments required to be done on them before building. Yes, Ontario is facing a housing crisis right now but we shouldn’t be fixing it at the cost of our environment, and simply creating more homes is not going to magically fix the affordability issue when it’s clear the Ford government is not interested in doing anything to help control the cost of rent. In fact I can clearly remember when he passed a law that effectively removed rent control from any building built after 2019. I work in the architectural sector and this promise of housing frankly sounds ridiculous, planning high quality buildings takes time, and most of all requires all sorts of skilled trades. As it is, people in the architecture field are over worked and underpaid, and construction workers are no where to be found right now. There is realistically no one available to bring this project to life, and it’s clear this is another way for the rich to get richer on the back of the poor and at the cost of our environment.