To the provincial…

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To the provincial Conservative party,

I would strongly advise you to take further thought before going forward with this plan. While there is a need for new homes - homes in this development will likely be mostly accessible for the wealthy, where the need for the province lies in the cities. This is closest to current infrastructure, social programs, public transit. Building further away from these resources while many of the people in need of housing may not have access to a vehicle further creates a divide in our current social structure of the “haves” and the “have nots”. Housing that may better fit the current need would likely look something like affordable inner city housing, housing that builds vertically in current urban regions, and/or repurposing of now empty office space.

In addition, I was fortunate to grow up in a region near the greenbelt. It had its own beauty in many ways - farmland to provide local food, and conservation that contributed to environmental health and biodiversity. My understanding of the greenbelt was that it was a non-negotiable protected boundary, that was predetermined for a reason…. Apparently that is no longer the case.

By bulldozing through this protected area the implications may not be immediate, but they will be irreversible and long lasting. Once this precious land is gone, it doesn’t come back. These grounds are areas that are enjoyed by the public, create farmland to produce a sustainable food source, and provide a home to many plant and animal species. As a large animal veterinarian, I see immense value in being able to grow food for our own population. I think the COVID pandemic pointed out how fragile global supply chains can be in terms of supply, labour, and fuel shortages in other countries, which in the long run will continue to mean difficulty accessing food. With growing fuel prices, not growing our own food also means food prices will go up… again, this further drives the divide in the haves and have nots.

I guess I will finish this in saying, to the Provincial Conservative Party, you have officially lost a previous conservative voter. I will be casting my vote elsewhere next election to a party that better supports a sustainable vision for Ontario that intends to better the lives of its residents.

Signed, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine