The Greenbelt is a treasure…

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The Greenbelt is a treasure to Ontarians. It does not deserve to take on the housing crisis caused by mismanagement of resources and will not solve the systemic issues that caused the crisis in the first place. Building more homes is not the answer, nor is tearing up our precious lands to create yet more unaffordable housing. We deserve better than to have our natural green spaces be subject to greed, panic and poor planning. In the climate crisis we are facing, we cannot afford to bulldoze our natural spaces. We are losing so much already and this is truly an unacceptable motion. The younger generations coming deserve to have nature preserved and have the chance at affording basic living but we're seeing both our landscapes and our dreams be shattered by thoughtless pal s like this. There are many better solutions out there compared to this short-sighted and poorly planned proposal. Ontarians deserve better than this. Show us you care.