In light of Ford's proposal,…

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In light of Ford's proposal, it's apparent his constituents are developers and not the people of Ontario.
I am outraged that developers were allowed to purchase these Greenbelt lands in the first place. How was it even legal to buy protected land?

Over and over I've read there's already enough land to build on to relieve the housing crisis, so I can only conclude this move to free up environmentally valuable land for developers is purely about profits for the developers who so generously supported Ford's election.

The people of Ontario, now and in the future, need the farmlands, forests, and wetlands in these protected areas. Farmlands feed the people of Ontario, forests clean the air and provide habitat for birds and at-risk species, and wetlands filter the water and protect against flood risks. It's profit driven insanity to destroy these lands and the promise to swap them for other lands that are also protected is preposterous.

It's abundantly clear that the Ford government cares nothing for the people of Ontario. I hope environmental groups and those with power, who care about the health of Ontario in the face of our climate crisis and nefarious government schemes, can do something to prevent this blatant crime against nature and our future survival.