The precedent your…

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The precedent your government is setting is awful and shameful.
I totally disagree with the solution proposed by your government.
Earlier this year your government’s own Housing Affordability Task Force delivered a report that
reads “A shortage of land is not the cause of the housing problem”, it goes on to state “Land is available inside existing built-up area and on undeveloped land outside the green belts”.
It is difficult for me to understand why your government finds it necessary to disregard a report of your own making.

Premier Ford comes off looking like a liar after stating that he would not touch the green belt before the election only to make an about face on the issue once elected. The housing crisis is not new and the short sighted “More Homes Built Faster Act” wants to sell off our province’s patrimony, will do little to move the needle on housing, exacerbate our climate crisis, destroy more wildlife, while setting a horrendous precedent that all will remember as “Ford’s Folly”, all the while your own task force has stated that its unnecessary.

In addition, the government looks corrupt and that it is doing this to reward its developer friends as mentioned in several news reports ranging from the CBC to The Narwahl.

I encourage you and your government to look for an alternative option and make better use of the land that is available now and not take from land that does not belong to us but to future Ontarians.