As a southern Ontario…

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As a southern Ontario resident, I do NOT support the development of the green belt. These affordable homes Doug ford promises from this are not affordable with projected semi homes starting at a million.
This land is protected for a reason, we need to protect our environment and farm lands. We need to keep the green belt as it is. Our future generations deserve to be around the greenbelt not around cement.
This sale and development is nothing more but to line to pockets of the wealthy, including Doug Ford.
With a recession and inflation on our backs the "Greenbelt delivers $9.1 billion economic impact every year and 161,000 full-time equivalent jobs in Ontario depend on it. It serves as a solid anchor for the region’s agricultural, tourism and recreation industries."
A healthy Greenbelt in Ontario to strong Canada-wide benefits and significant tax revenues for all levels of government exceeding $2.8 billion every year.

It is not as simple as swapping land for new parts of land,As Phil Pothen of Environmental Defence noted, the provincial proposal “would utterly destroy the certainty of permanent protection that is vital to the functioning of the Greenbelt as a whole.”

The Greenbelt should NOT be developed.