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I am not in support of regulation changes to the Greenbelt or Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plans as proposed in support of More Homes Faster...

These acts and legislation, created with a great deal of thoughtful input by private and public consultation, hard work and dollars, were intended to protect Ontario's important ecological functions from just such haphazard development. It was always intended that both acts and in particular Natural Heritage zoning was to be the utmost in guaranteed protection for the watercourses and natural heritage features that they protect.

Allowing for "trade offs" of greater than or equal to is not the intent of either of the GB or ORMCP’s. You cannot simply destroy/harden one area in one watershed and “compensate” in another. Both Plans and land use designations were already compromised with then current developments. Death by 1000 exemptions have further weakened the intent of both plans and needs to stop.

To whittle away at the edges and or fragment protected areas further does a great disservice to the many functions and species already disturbed by previous use and development. In particular the ORM’s “pinch point” between highway 48 and 400 should be totally hands off for any exemptions and trade.

The audacious proposal of dangling a carrot of protection for the Paris Galt Moraine reads like a piece of black mail. A truly concerned “leadership” would recognize the inherent values of The Paris Galt Moraine area (and Oro Moraine) and should be taking steps NOW to protect both before any further development is proposed that will impact ecological and hydrological functions.

Rather than destroying agricultural and ecologically important lands a “leading” government would be better off addressing population growth with solid plans to redistribute settlement throughout the province. There has been some indication from current leadership to indicate that farmland can move further north in the province. It is worth reminding decision makers that class 1 soils are not found on the Canadian Shield - that further north area. We simply cannot address Ontario's food security by building on the soil that feeds us.

In the preamble to this proposal it is indicated that if changes are allowed to GB and ORMCP land use designations that the proponent would fund necessary infrastructure. Where does the definition of “necessary infrastructure” begin and end how does this coordinate with the removal of development charges? Are you saying that the proponents will be responsible for new construction of or significant upgrade of sewage treatment for the Town of Pickering for example?

Likewise, if the 2023 commitment to infrastructure is not met or if no construction is undertaken until 2025 it is probable that proponents will have laid waste to natural conditions already (tree clearing etc) While "the government will begin the process to return the properties back to the Greenbelt" will there also be a requirement to restore lands to a natural state at the expense of the proponent?

I say no to this proposal to redesignate any parcels of the Greenbelt or Oak Ridges Moraine protected areas. And, although not suggested here that I have yet to see, there should be absolutely NO compensation afforded to any developer who feels they have been harmed by our need to protect Ontario's natural spaces for the benefit of all.