There are times when…

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There are times when preserving resources for the future should take precedence over resolving short-term challenges. This is one of those times. I agree that housing requires our immediate attention; however, I strongly believe we can achieve our housing goals with land already slated for development and by building more within city centres via infills and upward growth.

Farmland is a precious resource that will only become even more important over time. Southern Ontario is blessed with some of the best agricultural land in the country. We're going to need it! We've already seen the devastation to crops in California from drought and in Florida from hurricanes. These issues will only worsen. Eventually, we will not be able to rely on these traditional sources of food. We will need Ontario farmland to produce more food, not just for Canadians, but likely to supply other nations as well. Preserving prime agricultural land must be a priority for Ontario. To that end, preserving it in the Greenbelt is paramount. It is my understanding that the land proposed to be 'swapped' into the Greenbelt for existing parcels is not quality farmland. Ergo, not a fair trade. Once prime agricultural land is developed it is gone forever.

Further to this point, Hamilton is making an effort to preserve farmland on its outskirts by not extending the development boundary, yet Bill 23 would override this effort. This is shameful, unnecessary and undemocratic as Hamilton residents voted on this.

Furthermore, Bill 23 will impact measures aimed at addressing climate change by gutting green standards such as the Toronto Green Standard. The standard aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission to net zero by 2040. A healthy environment is a benefit to all, yet these goals can't be achieved if the Bill undermines the effort. We are in a climate emergency already! This Bill will only add to our problems.

Bill 23 is a threat to wetlands. Not only do wetlands provide habitat to wildlife, they are essential tools to prevent flooding. Every effort must be taken to preserve our natural wetlands.

Bill 23 would also leave municipalities with huge budget shortfalls. Property taxes will surely rise - it's one thing to pay our share, but some have estimated that property taxes would need to rise by as much as 80% to cover the infrastructure! This is just not doable for most of us.

These are just some of the problems with Bill 23. This Bill harms our ability to feed ourselves, protect ourselves from flooding, and address climate change risks. It is short sighted, and it is certainly not in the best interests of Ontarians.

I would like to see more consultation with municipalities and environmental groups to come up with a better plan for addressing the housing issue. This Bill isn't it. Throw it in the garbage.