I do not support changes to…

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I do not support changes to the Greenbelt plan which allows development to occur in these sensitive lands. The Greenbelt is an important movement corridor for organisms and provides essential habitat for many species. The region is already heavily developed, making it difficult for species to connect to other habitats. This problem will be exacerbated with climate change as organisms attempt to move northward as the climate warms. The citizens of Ontario benefit from the ecosystem services the Greenbelt provides including: pest control, pollination, water filtration, flood mitigation, climate mitigation, and recreational opportunities to name a few. It is unwise to build within the Greenbelt region to say the least. It would be better to change building codes to allow for more dense, walkable communities rather than increasing sprawl, cookie-cutter houses and car-dependency that ultimately worsens our already severe traffic issues. Sprawling communities cost municipalities and the province to maintain and the resulting income tax from these sprawling communities is not sufficient to support the services needed to maintain these communities. This is a lose-lose situation.