Has the government looked at…

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Has the government looked at all other options, similar to how a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment is conducted, and determined that the proposed is the least destructive on the environment? I would argue that this has not been completed, and at a bare minimum, should be. Otherwise, this is hearsay as to whether or not this is an appropriate action for future development. Regardless of this, why are we encouraging urban sprawl, when the purpose of many other provincial legislation (PPS, GPGGH) encourage development within settlement areas...build up not out.

The impact the proposed Bill will have on future development within important ecological areas cannot be reversed. Let's think about the future, think about how this affects future generations, how this might affect climate change, and how this might affect economics in the future. Degradation of the natural environment only leads to less-stabilization to homes, security, and increased costs on social systems (environmental hazards, health concerns, etc.).