Incredibly irresponsible and…

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Incredibly irresponsible and short-sighted. Great way to line Doug Ford's donors pockets and help the rich become richer. There is plenty of other land available to develop, there is absolutely no reason to destroy such an important ecological feature of Ontario. Destroying such bio-diverse and beautiful land to build more urban sprawl is saddening to see, I always thought this province was one of the best places to live, but the blatant corruption being put on display is disheartening and it breaks my heart that we are destroying our ecosystem in order to turn a quick profit. We will never get this ecosystem back if we continue to destroy it, there is a reason we have conservation of land and what these developers are doing is absolutely disgusting. The only people that stand by this and are happy about it are those who stand to gain profit from this endeavor. I hope that someone can see sense and put a stop to this development and keep the Greenbelt as it is for generations to come.