Dear Standing committee on…

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Dear Standing committee on Bill 23
CC: Brian Saunderson,
CC: Premier Doug Ford
CC: Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
CC: David Piccini, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks

Comment ID: 65581

I would like to voice my opposition to Bill 23, the proposed 'More Homes Built Faster Act'. Withdraw this Bill 23. While housing availability and affordability is top of mind, my main reasons for opposing this Bill are protection of our farms, forests, and wetlands, in addition to the climate, and related biodiversity. Unless this Bill can be amended to adequately protect our environment (and empower Conservation Authorities), it is an unacceptable and irresponsible piece of legislation.

Affordable housing needs to be built in urban areas, where intensification is mandated, infrastructure exists and where people want to llive work and play.

As is, Bill 23 will put our province and our region deeper into the biodiversity, climate, housing, affordability, food and health crises. It is critical that we use a climate lens when addressing the housing crisis in Ontario so that development is aligned with the climate mitigation and adaptation that is required of us.

The most glaringly unacceptable feature of this Bill and its associated policy proposals is an attack on Conservation Authorities, and enabled destruction of forests, farmland, and wetlands in favour of urban sprawl.

Stop urban sprawl!

Climate mitigation and adaptation

Forests, farmland and wetlands, if left intact, are critical carbon sinks. Without them, we not only lose that sink, we are also much more vulnerable and susceptible to the impacts of climate change such as heat island effects, drought and flooding.

Under the proposed Bill, our emissions will increase due to the release of stored carbon dioxide, but also by promoting more urban sprawl dependent on personal automobile transportation. The ecosystem services provided by forests, farmland and wetlands, such as biodiversity, cleaning the air and regulating and attenuating water and nutrients, are not being considered with the tabling of this legislation.

Further, decimating the powers of the Conservation Authorities would create massive risks of flooding and rampant sprawl in flood-prone areas. When these areas are impacted by extreme weather events, the municipalities and taxpayers will be left with skyrocketing costs.

On the contrary, Ontario should be investing in nature based climate solutions to protect our current housing stock and develop green building standards for new developments.


Bill 23 threatens our farmland. The reasons for eating local food have never been stronger, and are becoming even more apparent with a changing climate and disrupted supply chains. We need to be investing in our local food systems, not destroying them.

Green buildings

I would like to see my municipality, the Town of Collingwood, develop green building standards. Other municipalities have adopted green building standards to ensure new construction is environmentally, socially and economically responsible as well as cheaper to own and maintain. This Bill will take away the municipal authority to require green buildings and undermine the affordability benefits that energy-efficient, climate-resilient buildings provide to owners and tenants.

Unless the major flaws in this Bill are addressed it will further the destruction of critical natural areas in a time of climate and biodiversity crisis, while also failing to deliver the affordable housing that Ontario needs.
