In 2018 Doug Ford said “The…

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In 2018 Doug Ford said “The people have spoken. I’m going to listen to them, they don’t want me to touch the Greenbelt, we won’t touch the Greenbelt.” In 2020 he said “we won’t build on the Greenbelt”. Last year Minister Clark said “I want to be clear: We will not in any way entertain any proposals that will move lands in the Greenbelt, or open the Greenbelt lands to any kind of development.” And yet here we are today with a plan to give 7,400 acres of prime agricultural and environmentally sensitive land to developers (who have already bought much of this land at cheap greenbelt prices!).

You say that you are expanding the Greenbelt by 9,400 acres by including a portion of the Paris Galt Moraine and 13 urban river valleys in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. But 7,000 acres of that land is concentrated around Erin that barely touches the Paris Galt Moraine and where development is already taking place.
Also any urban river valley in the GTHA is already protected in other ways (though, of course, you are busily gutting our Conservation Authorities who manage this important resource).

You say that this land is needed to build new housing but there are 86,000 acres in the GTHA already allocated to development that the developers aren't using.

You have no plan to increase the number of houses in Ontario. You are just hoping that, by giving the developers what they want, they will build houses. Surely as good free enterprisers, your party must realize that the primary interest of developers is NOT building houses but making money. They have very little interest in improving the lives of the "good people of Ontario".

Your government is either incredibly stupid and easily played by your developer friends or is so corrupt that your own interests far outweigh the interests of the people of Ontario.