The Province of Ontario is…

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The Province of Ontario is approximately 1,076,395 sq. km / 415,598 sq mi. larger than France and Spain, combined. almost 1/3 the size of India.

We have more space than we know what to do with, yet this government decides that building on environmentally sensitive lands is a beneficial decision. This will not only impact our water sources and our soil fertility, this will impact the quality of lives for all present and future Canadians. It’s a decision that cannot be undone once building begins, and will be looked back on as a tragic mistake.

Everyone doesn’t need to live in the GTA. We need to focus on making other city centres more attractive, creating jobs and opportunities in other areas of the province. As designed, Toronto is past it’s breaking point. We needed to go vertical generations ago if we expected it to sustain this type of population density. As it stands with our zoning, highways, and housing, Toronto is clearly at it’s limit. An hour drive in bumper to bumper traffic to get from Mississauga to Toronto is a joke. The stress of the drive and the environmental impact of tens of thousands of cars in gridlock is staggering. Going electric won’t help us either, we already know our grid and current infrastructure can’t handle it, and we would need a completely new system costing billions upon billions of dollars and taking decades to complete. The answer is to allocate our resources to cities such as Kitchener, London, Barrie, and develop them into centres where Canadians can go and thrive. Protect our watersheds and our environmentally critical lands. Leave the Greenbelt alone, and add to it if possible. Saving and protecting land will leave a far greater legacy than making short-sighted decisions that will impact all future generations.

I vehemently disagree with this decision to destroy our province, and there should be repercussions for Doug Ford for this fraudulence after vowing to not touch the Greenbelt. He gained votes with those words, and is now a liar. We can’t expect every politician to follow through with all their promises, but completely deceiving the public should be incriminating. There will be consequences if this goes through, and he will be the reason for them.