The Greenbelt was designed…

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The Greenbelt was designed to protect specific and significant lands in Ontario. Picking up and moving the designation does not keep the land "the same" - those particular ecosystems and environments that support both the local wildlife and the human communities around them will not just move to a new location hundreds of miles away.

With the increasing rate of inflation and cost of food, and food insecurity, why are we looking to pave over prime farmland rather than working with the existing municipal plans which more than allow for expansion in many of the populated areas? Why create more sprawl and commuting in a time when climate change is so critical to the well-being of the planet?

The idea that opening the protected lands will help speed along development is atrocious, and people in government and developments should be ashamed of their short-sightedness in proposing this as a benefit. A "land-swap" is only a numbers game and does nothing for continuing to protect sensitive lands.