Ontario needs to do its part…

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Ontario needs to do its part to find our way to sustainability in a changing world full of instability. Digging into the Greenbelt area is not a good way to do that when there is land for development already allocated elsewhere.

The optics for this look bad, and the press and concerned citizens will have a field day with this. Better to make choices that are in line with the greater good then ones that line the pockets of the politically connected.

The whole world is in a state of flux, that is the big picture, and the last 3 years have shown us that painfully. We need to be able to figure out a way forward together, and projects that reward a few and take away from the many set us on a path to social instability.

Every decision that we make needs to be considered in light of this big picture. Those with power in particular need to think in terms of legacy. What are we leaving to the next generations?