It does not make sense to me…

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It does not make sense to me to go back on a firm campaign promise and open up plans that were slated for Greenbelt protection.
While I understand the need for new housing, their approximately 88, 000 km of lands in and around the Toronto area already stated for development. We are not talking about building on these lands. We are talking about opening up lens that are farming and protected and for which we have not done a proper environmental study. Similarly to the building of Highway 413, where we will be going over multiple Rivers (for which we have not done environmental studies), this change has the potential to very negatively in fact the environmental sustainability and future of this province and in particular, and one of the most densely populated regions of this province. Every year we discover that we have lost exponentially more green space to development. At some point, this is going to have to stop. The idea that we can continue to build single-family homes when a, they are priced out of range of the majority of ontarians and be, the subdivisions are far away from the cities in which people work and play, is foolish. Most people do not dream of having to commute for hours in order to get to work. This is what my putting up lands outside of cities which can truly only be used to build subdivisions of these larger cities. We are better off changing how we build inside of cities with more affordable housing for families in order to give them a better quality of life. It's unfair that the average Canadian family cannot afford to live in the cities in which they live right now. That their goal if they want to have a home is going to be a far too expensive developer build outside of the city which is requiring them to waste more and more of their time going to and from work and leaving less and less time for their family. We need to increase the density of our building within the cities, to Target condos, four-story walk-ups, and townhomes inside of our less densely populated areas within cities in order to give people an option to live near where they work and play, and where they would prefer to live. In addition, throwing the developer fees back onto the cities is ridiculous. In a truly free market approach, developers should be paying for hookups because they are the ones benefiting from the building of these homes. They will sell them at whatever cost they feel is appropriate, and if it's too expensive, they will not build them. We should not be subsidizing developers in order to build housing which is less desirable for ontarians!