I am writing to express my…

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making.

I am particularly concerned about the:

1. Removal of my right to appeal on planning matters that affect my community;

2. Limitations on the power of conservation authorities (CAs) to regulate or prohibit development that negatively impacts wetlands, rivers or streams, to provide expert review of planning applications, and to appeal planning decisions;

3. Removal of the role of seven regional municipalities (Simcoe, Durham, Halton, Peel, Niagara, Waterloo and York) in planning matters, thereby eliminating coordinated efforts to protect farmland and natural areas, determine optimal locations for development and infrastructure, and efficiently deliver municipal services;

4. Drastic amendments to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System, ensuring that very few wetlands in Ontario will be deemed provincially significant and protected from development;

5. Replacement of the Provincial Policy Statement with a new policy instrument geared to facilitating unchecked development; and

6. Creation of a natural heritage offsetting policy and “pay to slay” fund that could lead to widespread and extremely risky tradeoffs, where existing natural areas are sacrificed on the faulty premise that they can be recreated or restored elsewhere.

I am also very appalled that the Premier would run for office on a repeated promise to leave the greenbelt alone, and it now appears he had no attention of keeping that vow. Develops have been circling like buzzards on his watch.

There is no demonstrated need to use the greenbelt for housing.

I honestly couldn’t be more opposed to this proposal.

Thank you.