This government has…


This government has demonstrated that by recklessly making off-the-cuff decisions, that it actually plans really poorly. As a good example, we can look to the plan to demolish the Ontario Science Centre for housing. In doing so, we are destroying a building of heritage significance; removing a valuable cultural asset from a community that relies on it for business and for leisure; and maybe most importantly, planning to build on a flood plain.
Similarly, they declared an intent to build more homes in Newmarket than the town's sewage capacity would allow, and when the mayor of Newmarket tried to explain this to the premier, he lashed out.
The problem with this government is that they discount the opinion of experts who are experts in their field for a reason. Prior governments, even conservative ones looked to conservation authorities for expert guidance on what areas could feasibly be built on and which ones couldn't. This government only listens to developers that have donated money to their reelection campaign, and as a result, we will needlessly destroy valuable habitats and perhaps farm land to enrich these developers when much more feasible land exists.
I call on this government to work with experts at conservation authorities and municipalities, who have spent years obtaining the knowledge to decide where municipalities can responsibly expand to, rather than randomly choosing valuable land to spoil in the name of urban sprawl.