We would like to provide…


We would like to provide comment to Schedule 6 of Bill 97.

Specifically, we have grave concern for the new powers related to the Provincial Land and Development Facilitator described in subsection 49.2(1) of the Planning Act. Moreover, subsection (4) is completely unpalatable to the private sector and small business. We are not cash registers and cannot raise capital with the ease as the public sector does. Subsection (4) states:

An agreement required under subsection (1) may require the owner of the land to provide anything or pay for anything in excess of what the owner is required to provide or pay for under this Act, the Development Charges Act, 1997 or any other Act.

There are enough tools to deal with costs (or restrictions for that matter as described in subsection (3), and writing this seemingly “catch all” does not belong in any texts. It does not create a level playing field and creates systemic risk, as costs are now unpredictable.

We certainly commend the Province in creating a position with powers to facilitate; but that does not mean dictate. As such, we would like to see subsection (1) modified to recognize rights of landowners and subsection (4) stricken out.