The changes your government…


The changes your government is proposing are harmful right along with Bill 109, Bill 23, and all the changes to the Conservation Authorities' responsibilities and dismantling of the OWES, Ontario Wetland Evaluation System. Paving nature will bring climate chaos, loss of biodiversity and flooding as well as loss of food sovereignty. Farms should only be severed if the land is protected for farming and then only to allow smaller scale farming. Farmland should NOT be used for housing. Only 5% of the Canadian land mass is arable land and of that only 0.5% is prime 1, the type of soil that will grow crops even in adverse conditions. Do not change the provincial policy statement and planning act to encourage more sprawl. We need to keep density targets and only build outside urban boundaries once cities are densified. Keep density targets, stop random expansion of urban boundaries. The changes proposed in this Bill are destructive and need a total rethink.