I humbly request that this…


I humbly request that this proposal is recreated with a different direction and altered goals.
-with plans for more intercommunal sharing (education, collaboration, strategies and support for other communities)
-with the people living in the impacted jurisdictions/places being more centered in the policy and policymaking process

As it stands it appears to worsen or further put at risk the health of people and other life in this province because it puts Life(natural capital/resources, etc.) in service to The Economy rather than finding ways that The Economy can be in service to Life(natural capital/resources, etc.) It is important that you as decision-makers know that if you don't think your mandate can or should address things like access to a "clean" environment, and bio-diversity for people now and several generations from now I would beg that you start being more respectful of human creativity or consider a career change where you have a hand in growing your own food to better understand the interconnectedness of the urgent challenges we have. The documents that have been created appear to have been created by/with a very siloed community both in culture and in process.
More compassion for those who you do not care about can go a long way to bettering the world.
Thank you very much for your attention

- a person living in the affected area