I am opposed to this…

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I am opposed to this proposed amendment to allow more licenses for dog train and trial areas and to allow transfers of these licences.
These are my reasons:
1. Causes undo and extreme suffering to wildlife (rabbits, foxes, coyote) which is inhumane. This is a negative which is not mentioned in the proposal.

2. Coyote hunters already allow their trained, wildlife killer dogs to run free on rural private property at will, once they are released. The hunters have no control over the dogs, and it is impossible to control where the dogs go. On my private property, I want to protect these creatures (coyote, fox and rabbit) and enjoy them, and co exist with them. Coyote hunter’s dogs, take this right I have, as a property owner and a citizen of Ontario away from me. A coyote, fox, rabbit could be killed on my property by these trained dogs and there is nothing I can do about it. This is not right!

3. There are wildlife conservation groups that have become more vocal in the recent years, who are also opposed. Their mandates are to save and protect these animals. They would rescue an injured coyote, fox, rabbit, rehabilitate it and get it healthy again and release it back into the wild. To think that these creatures would then be subjected to this torture after being rehabilitated and released is heart breaking. This proposal and the Wildlife conservationist are at opposite ends and working against each other. So much time and effort is put in by the volunteers of the wildlife conservation groups, often on a shoestring, and driven by a love of animals. This proposal would make their job so much harder.
Examples of wildlife groups that care for these creatures are: Toronto Wildlife Centre, Coyote Watch Canada, Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Hobbitsee Wildlife Refuge, all Humane Society.
Their work has to be validated and respected, and this proposal does not do that.
4. This practice of training dogs for hunting should be eliminated, rather than steps taken to revamp it.
5. This decision should not be about dollars and cents, or whether there is an adequate or over supply of rabbits, fox, coyote. The element of suffering of a living creature ( with no voice)is the most important criteria.

Thank you for reading my comments. Please abolish this proposal. The peaceful existence of all humans and wildlife should our goals in this modern times.