This Provincial amendment to…

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This Provincial amendment to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act will encourage more animal cruelty.
I was shocked to learn there are currently 24 enclosed spaces in Ontario, called train and trial areas, that are dedicated to training dogs to hunt species of wildlife. The victims of this terrible practice - like timid coyotes, frightened foxes, peaceful cottontails - can be legally trapped and taken from their homes. Torn away from their families, these animals are then forced into pens to live the rest of their lives experiencing intense fear, trauma and extreme stress as they are horrifically chased down by dogs on a regular basis.
In 1997, this archaic practice was set to be phased out when the FWCA declared no new licences would be issued and that existing licences could not be transferred. But now, under the proposed change, more train and trial areas would be allowed to open and existing ones could be transferred to new owners. UNACCEPTABLE! Rather than being phased out, these unspeakable areas will become more prevalent. More innocent victims will be stolen from the wild and forced into a life that no living being deserves to live. STOP this BARBARIC practice! Reject this amendment.