This week I have seen farm…


This week I have seen farm group opposition to this bill. OFA, NFU, Christian farmers. In total they represent 46,000 farms . They represent us because it’s mandatory to pay their dues to get a Farm Registration number. All 3 groups in total have less than 100 employees many do not own a farm. We are 46,000 farmers and no one sent out a survey to what we thought about lot severance. How do you think all these homes scattered around farms came about in the 70-80’s. They came from farms. If the few farmers that oppose this are worried about smell and odour then don’t severe. But I can tell you many want to severe for their family member or themselves when they retire and pass the farm down. I see a renewed sense of happiness among all my farming friends that are now encouraged that their family can live next to them or the generational farmers in my farm group that are struggling and actually selling off 2 lots will give them money to survive. The farming groups scream and rant but never think about what is best for us. Not every 46,000 farmers are going to severe off lots. It is 38,000$ for city fees alone to ask for a lot severence and that doesn’t include studies . By the time one is finished it will be 100,00$ in fees and that doesn’t include a well or septic or cistern or electrical hookup. These farm groups are dreaming!!! But if you allow it and a farmer follows through then you will actually be helping the family that actually votes PC each and every time… remember this is private property and not a public asset and compare the farm groups to the teachers union… they do not always represent the teachers!!!
Which groups were the ones that promoted that wind turbines should go on farms and look what the ramifications were from that move!!! And any farm that has or had a wind turbine on it took up way more than an acre of the farm. And no one thought about the neighbours living around those horrible wind turbines and the health implications they had on livestock and human health.
This opposition is a political left movement supported by Environmental groups that want Ontario to remain the same with no growth, no immigration and this is totally unrealistic and unreasonable. No one wants to discuss the full scope of why farmland is being lost and it is not entirely from development, it is also from environmental regulations.
Minimum , you the government needs to promote ARUs, OFDUs and at least a lot severence even if it is only 1. Someone has to speak up for private property rights in this province as well for the little guy who works out in the fields or in the barn.