I live in an agricultural…


I live in an agricultural area of Ontario and know first hand the challenges that result when you start over developing an area that's not equipped to deal with the septic/sewer, water, and other systems to support housing.

There has been a significant amount of conflict arise as well from families who have moved out to our rural area who have learned that living in a farming community may not entail exactly what they envisioned. Farming is loud at times, it's messy as the dust sits on everything that surrounds you, it can bring strong odors and even contamination.

Even with its challenges though it brings us the ability to grow our own food and protect one of our most valuable resources we have aside from water. We cannot afford to lose this protection if we want to continue to survive and thrive as the future is uncertain and we cannot depend on other geographic areas in the world to look out for our interests if the demand exceeds supply.

Please reconsider and protect our food and water supply in our province for everyone's sake.

Thank you.