tel 519-769-2010 email…


tel 519-769-2010 email
Heartfelt and homegrown 35663 Fingal Line, Fingal, Ontario, N0L 1K0
May 17, 2023
Honourable Minister Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
777 Bay Street 17th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2J3
On behalf of the Township of Southwold, I am writing to submit our official comments and
concerns regarding the proposed Provincial Planning Statement (PPS). As a rural
municipality with a population of approximately 5,000 residents, Southwold is
predominantly an agricultural and farming community, encompassing hamlets such as
Shedden, Fingal, and Iona.
Our foremost apprehension lies with the proposed policies that would permit the creation
of three (3) new residential building lots on Agricultural Parcels. We believe that this
provision has the potential to significantly impact the character and integrity of our
Township, posing substantial challenges to our existing infrastructure, including roads and
water systems. The prospect of fragmented development arising from small building lots
raises concerns about the preservation of our agricultural lands, as further division of farm
parcels for residential purposes may become a trend.
A critical consideration is the absence of sanitary sewers throughout most areas of
Southwold, with the exception of Talbotville. Consequently, the proposed new residential
lots in agricultural areas would heavily rely on septic systems to handle sewage waste.
However, due to the diverse topography of our Township and the presence of potential
environmental hazards, particularly in proximity to Lake Erie, certain lands may not have
the capacity to support full septic systems. We also have local planning policies in place
that establish setback distances from natural hazard lands, which may prohibit or
significantly reduce the development area even if the land meets the criteria set forth in
the proposed PPS.
In the context of Ontario's vast and diverse landscape, we recognize the significant
undertaking involved in updating a policy document of this magnitude. Policies need to be
adaptable to accommodate the varying regional characteristics across our province.
Nevertheless, it is crucial that any policy put in place provides comprehensive guidance
tel 519-769-2010 email
35663 Fingal Line, Heartfelt and homegrown Fingal, Ontario, N0L 1K0
and supports responsible and sustainable development for the long-term future of all communities, including Southwold Township.
Moreover, we would like to emphasize the importance of safeguarding our agricultural lands. Agriculture plays a pivotal role in our local economy, food security, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, it is imperative to mitigate the loss of valuable crop land resulting from unchecked development. By actively managing land use and curtailing urban sprawl, we can ensure the preservation of our agricultural sector, protect our invaluable resources, and secure a prosperous future for both rural and urban communities.
Lastly, we would like to draw attention to the disconcerting trend of annual agricultural land loss due to development in Ontario. The continuous erosion of agricultural lands poses a significant threat to our farming industry's sustainability and our ability to meet the increasing demand for locally sourced food. It is imperative that we address this issue and implement policies that strike a balance between responsible development and the preservation of our agricultural heritage.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments and concerns on behalf of the Township of Southwold. We firmly believe that our feedback will contribute to a more informed and inclusive policy-making process. We trust that our concerns will be given due consideration as you continue to refine the proposed Provincial Planning Statement.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours truly,
Josh Mueller
Township of Southwold