Leave farmland and green…


Leave farmland and green belts alone!!! Let's be realistic...there will not be any "affordable" housing built on the sprawl it will be just more of the same expensive suburb like we already have. We need to give up this insane idea of single family homes with private lots.

Make municipalities infill. Allow multiple family dwellings and low rise buildings to be developed in previously "off limits" neighbourhoods. Cities allow monster homes in suburbs so why not multiple family buildings.

We need farmland. If we build over it there is no going back. Do NOT allow more sprawl. We've already thoughtlessly destroyed too much valuable farmland.

The greenbelt is a generational inheritance we MUST protect it. It's not a "nice to have", it's a necessity.

We have to think of new ways to create places for people to live and not carry on with old destructive habits. Those old habits just make money for a few developers and don't benefit any of the rest of us.