I have been in Residential…


I have been in Residential construction in my own business for 17 years and employ 30 employees in the industry.

1. Municipalities have to much red tape and regulations on building and development and it is all different from one township to another... They should be governed by one body and have very clear processes and guidelines. Any new policies should be voted on in conjunction with the OHBA or local builders associations.
2. Development fees and building permit charges are outrageous now and continue to rise for no reason . They should be making housing affordable for Canadians and not the other way around.
3. Rural properties need to be opened up for severances and land use. Get rid of the bylaw on 100 acres to 1 single family dwelling it is doing no one good. If it does not impact agriculture or wildlife we should be able to build homes
4. Permit processes for new housing needs to be streamlined. If the township cannot abide by the 10 day permit review as per the Ontario building code law the builder should not suffer. They should be able to start the project and allow 3rd party firms to inspect and provide reports across all municipalities
5. Conservations have way too much power