I am very concerned about…


I am very concerned about the lack of recognition of the importance of Ontario's cultural heritage policy.

The proposed statement 4.6.1 "Protected heritage property, which may contain built heritage resources or cultural heritage landscapes, shall be conserved" limits protection to only those few heritage resources which have already been designated.
This is very serious, as most heritage properties and landscapes associated with more recent arrivals to Ontario than the Europeans whose 19th century buildings we have generally designated, cannot be recognized and conserved. Surely a Hindu temple built in the past 50 years is worthy of protection. Or a fugitive slave's modest home whose historical significance has been only recently discovered.
But if the wording is left as proposed, buildings whose significance are recognized only "at the last minute" when someone else proposes to buy the property and demolish the Hindu temple or fugitive slave cabin, there will be no opportunity to save these important parts of Ontario's history and culture.

I want to wording of 4.6.1 changed to say "Cultural heritage property, which may contain built heritage resources or cultural heritage landscapes, shall be conserved."