I fully support the letter…


I fully support the letter of 5 June 2023 to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing from numerous groups including Ontario Nature, Environmental Defence, Nature Guelph, Nith Valley EcoBoosters, Ontario Farmland Trust, SCAN, Waterloo Region Nature, and Grand River Environmental Network.

As stated in that letter, The changes proposed in ERO #019-6813, will "accelerate urban sprawl and the ongoing loss of farmland and natural areas in Ontario" and that "there is already more than enough land already designated for urban growth in southern Ontario to meet all housing needs until at least 2050".

I agree entirely with their conclusion that the approach outlined in ERO #019-6813, "spells disaster for the lands and waters that sustain us, especially in places that support high levels of biodiversity and at-risk species".

The policy changes proposed must NOT be approved!