Recently, my husband and I…


Recently, my husband and I have been looking into the possibility of buying property to build a new home. We are looking to start our family, are we are quickly outgrowing our small ranch. More space is a must as we look to growing our family. We have been house hunting for well over a year now, and nothing has been within our price range that suits our needs. This is what brought us to the idea of building, but unfortunately residential building lots in our area are selling well outside of our price range.

We have talked about our plans with my in-laws, and they graciously offer to sever part of their property in order for us to build on. They are willing to work with us on a price that suits our budget. My mother-in-law has also offered to retire in order to help us raise our children. My husband and I are both shift workers, and having our family immediately next door would be instrumental in helping us raise our children.

My mother-in-law began looking into severing their property and was told this would not be possible due to the land being zoned as agricultural. The woman she spoke with mentioned that this Act was being reviewed, and that potentially it would become possible for them to sever their property to family only if it was passed. Obviously, I was disappointed to read as of late that this proposal was placed on hold, and feel myself losing hope that this option will become a reality.

Aside from the benefit of raising our family, this would allow us to keep this property within our family. Once my in-laws are ready to downsize from their home, it is their hope their other daughter and son will move into the property, and we will remain in our new build. My in-laws are already second generations owners of their home and surrounding acreage. I am aware that we are one couple proposing our plans, but I would imagine there are other families in a similar situation to ours. The "agricultural land" on their property is currently unused and vacant, and has been that way for as long as my husband and I can remember. My hope is that this Act will be amended to allow for families to sever their property, for the purpose of future generations to build and continue to grow on the property.