The Planning Act includes…


The Planning Act includes twenty (20) matters of "Provincial Interest", a provincial policy document is supposed to provide policy to balance all of these interests. This proposed Provincial Planning Statement prioritizes housing (while removing all language directed at affordable housing) above everything else. This proposal undoes more than two decades of planning that directs for compact, complete communities to support longterm social, economic and environmental sustainability. Direction which started from the Smart Growth Panels set up by the Mike Harris government in the late 1990s.

Over the last 5 years, the government has introduced numerous legislative and policy changes to support the development of new housing. Municipalities and development proponents are not able to digest or act on these changes before new ones are introduced. If the government is serious about seeing new housing in Ontario, give municipalities and the development industry time to implement approved, in effect policies, that start with the 2020 PPS and Growth Plan, and recently updated and approved Regional and Single Tier Official Plans.