We live on a small 25 acre…


We live on a small 25 acre hobby farm. We had a vision to use the farm in the raising up of our children (some of them born here) alongside our full time job in construction. We provided them with the wholesome upbringing that included raising sheep and chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, and lately a few cows. They helped the neighbour milk goats as well. They learned to work and earn money from our small farm. They understood that much of the food we ate was a result of both hard work and Dad and Mom’s investment in the farm. They sold lambs at the local action, and eggs to various friends and family members. Our oldest child bought their first car with egg money!

As our children are getting older, they are realizing that…..even with their full-time jobs……they may never be able to buy a house near us, or if they were able, it wouldn’t be a hobby farm where they could give their children the same upbringing as they had.

We understand to some degree the concerns that have been brought forward by farmers. But we also see that they could be shooting themselves in the foot in that…….WHO WILL BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO TAKE OVER FOR THEM???? Hmmm…..will the taxpayer have to foot some of that? If their children (or even potential farm hand) are not able to realize home ownership near the farm…..will they stay?
Farming needs to be affordable and attractive to the next generation and being able to sever off a small lot(s) makes that attractive affordablily more viable to the farm owner and to the buyer.

What this new proposal could mean to our family is that
~Some of our children would be able to own a house of the own “on” the farm which they grew up on.
~They could provide the structure for a hardworking, sustainable upbringing to their children.
~We ourselves would be able to stay here through retirement
~We would be able to live close to our grandchildren and being able to help teach industrious life skills.
~We would have grown children close by to help us as we age.

It would mean that our family living in close proximity to eachother wouldn’t be an unheard of, unattainable luxury.

It would mean that the strength and energy we have put into this farm and into this community as a family would continue in to the next generation.

We don’t believe our situation is unique.

Please consider this proposal for approval. We wish you wisdom in your decision.