Dear Steve Clark and the…


Dear Steve Clark and the conservatives,

When my husband and I took over his family farm in 1989 we severed two acres and built a new house to raise our family. We've lived and worked on the farm since then, raising our three children and teaching them the rules and responsibilities that come with running a farm. They're all grown up now, and it's now their turn to follow in the same foot steps as us but they are unable to. We can't afford to build a house for them and they can't do it on their own without severing so instead they are stuck trying to find basement apartments in places that are 45min + away from the farm. They're unable to live and work on the farms they're taking over and now their families are left without the same opportunity ours had. Please do what you can to help them. They need it. For our farms, our farmers, and the future generation not just this one but the one that's coming.

Bless you.