I own property near Cayuga…


I own property near Cayuga Ontario. Our farm was purchased in 1982 and my husband farmed the land for several years. Eventually, he rented the land to a local farmer and she still farms it. The property is just under 100 acres but approximately 82 acres are rented out. My husband died in 2016 and I live on the property with my daughter and her family. None of us are farmers. My son-in-law is an electrician with a good-paying job. We are not farmers nor could we ever afford to be farmers. These days, the farming industry is such that you go big or you go home. You have to have millions of dollars for land, equipment, fertilizer, etc. Most farmers are land-poor. I would like nothing more than to sever a lot for my family to someday build their own house on my property, however, this opportunity has been withheld from me up to now. The farming industry is rightfully concerned about the loss of farmland, however, farmland is lost every day to huge land developments. Just take a drive through Binbrook or Caledonia and see where the farmland is going. Most of these houses probably START at $750,000. My children can't afford one of these houses. If I were able to sever three lots from my property and could build on those lots, I have many friends and relatives who are desperately poor and must rely on relatives or friends to subsidize their housing needs. You are right to push for more housing. Ontario has millions of "working poor". As long as the housing developers keep building these three-story mansions that nobody can afford the situation will never change. I am a senior citizen and many of my personal friends cannot afford an apartment or senior's accommodations. The waiting list in my area for geared-to-income housing is 8 years. Some of my friends probably won't live that long.