Today, we write with great…

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First Green Energy Ltd.

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Today, we write with great enthusiasm and unwavering support for the inclusion of agrivoltaics in Section 4.3 of the proposed Provincial Planning Statement (PPS, 2023) under the Ontario Planning Act.

The Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) is a powerful catalyst for the growth and development of Ontario, ensuring resource protection, promoting economic prosperity, and enhancing the quality of life for Ontario's residents. We firmly believe that agrivoltaics, a progressive method of co-developing land for both solar photovoltaic power and agriculture, seamlessly aligns with the key objectives of the PPS.

Agrivoltaics is not just a concept; it is a transformative solution that tackles multiple challenges simultaneously, offering synergistic benefits that go beyond conventional practices. By integrating agriculture and photovoltaic solar energy generation on the same land, agrivoltaics embraces food security, renewable energy generation, and irrigation water conservation, all in one innovative approach.

As we look ahead to a future where sustainable land use and development are paramount, agrivoltaics deserves a prominent place within the PPS. The benefits it brings are undeniable, and we'd like to highlight some of the key advantages:

1. Economic Prosperity:
Ontario's farmers face significant challenges in the current economic landscape, with farm debt at an all-time high and many lacking succession plans. Agrivoltaics offers a beacon of hope by diversifying farm income and maximizing land utilization through the co-location of food production, energy generation, and irrigation water conservation. This critical advantage enables farmers to adapt to economic uncertainties, fostering a thriving and resilient agricultural sector.
Moreover, agrivoltaics can significantly contribute to Ontario's energy security and economic prosperity. By providing clean, affordable energy, Ontario can enhance its renewable energy self-reliance and attract forward-thinking companies eager to be part of a post-carbon fuel economy. Solar farms driven by agrivoltaics will boost local and regional economies by creating both temporary and permanent jobs while making substantial contributions to the tax base. The integration of agrivoltaics into the PPS aligns perfectly with the objective of fostering a strong and internationally competitive economy.

2. Biodiversity Conservation:
Preserving the rural landscape and its associated biodiversity is of utmost importance for the well-being of our communities and the environment. Agrivoltaics allows for the continued use of land for agricultural activities, safeguarding the essence of the countryside. The symbiotic relationship between food production, energy generation, and water conservation in agrivoltaic systems has proven benefits.

Solar panels provide vital shade and artificial wind rows, minimizing soil erosion and water evaporation while protecting crops from heat stress, frost, and hail. Plants thriving underneath the panels optimize the efficiency of solar energy generation. Moreover, increased vegetation nurtures soil health and attracts wildlife, creating a harmonious environment for perching birds, songbirds, small mammals, and predators.

3. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation:
The urgency of addressing changing climate demands innovative solutions that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience against extreme weather events. Agrivoltaics makes a powerful contribution by generating low-carbon renewable electricity and, through shade provision, reducing water evaporation during critical drought periods. This ecological adaptation helps crops withstand the increasingly intense heat waves projected due to changing climate.

In perfect alignment with the PPS's emphasis on environmental sustainability and resilience, agrivoltaics establishes natural carbon sinks through increased biodiversity, contributing to a greener and healthier future for Ontario.

We urge the inclusion of agrivoltaics into the guidelines for renewable energy systems in Section 4.3 of the proposed PPS or the creation of a dedicated category under On Farm Diversified Uses. By doing so, we not only acknowledge the potential of this sustainable land use practice but also spark further research, development, and innovation in this field. Ontario has the opportunity to become a trailblazer, inspiring other provinces and territories in Canada to follow suit and embrace agrivoltaics.

Our recommendations are focused on clarity, collaboration, and continuous improvement:

1. Explicitly recognize agrivoltaics as an On Farm Diversified Use, with a clear definition of its scope and function.

2. Develop guidelines and best practices for designing, installing, and managing agrivoltaic systems, ensuring a balance between agriculture and renewable energy.

3. Foster research and development in agrivoltaic technologies, encouraging collaboration among government agencies, academic institutions, and private entities.

4. Establish support mechanisms, such as streamlined permitting processes, to encourage farmers and rural communities to adopt agrivoltaic systems.

5. Promote public awareness and education on the benefits of agrivoltaics for sustainable land use, food security, and renewable energy generation.

6. Monitor and evaluate agrivoltaic system implementation to refine policies, guidelines, and support mechanisms as needed.

The Provincial Planning Statement (2023) has the power to drive Ontario towards a more sustainable and prosperous future, addressing crucial challenges while ensuring the well-being of its residents and communities. Agrivoltaics holds the potential to transform the agricultural landscape, strengthen the economy, and secure a more resilient and sustainable future for Ontario.

We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to provide input on the proposed Provincial Planning Statement (2023) and trust that our recommendations will be met with the utmost consideration. Together, let's forge a path towards a greener, more prosperous, and sustainable Ontario.