I do not want a city 40000…


I do not want a city 40000 next to stelco in Nanticoke. 1. why would you want to risk a major employer leaving the area. 2. It would also take more farmland away, which we can't afford to loose. We have already lost far to much in this province. Developer need to stop buying up farmland to make a buck. That is our of control. 3. Being so close to Port Dover, it would be eating up. I love our little towns in haldimand norfolk. Stop destroying them. 4. There is no infrastructure to support this development that empire homes want to build. More infrastructure, more farmland lost. 5. The land around stelco is a buffer zone, who wants to live next to a steel mill. 5. Stop destroying all the farmland, it needs protected. When you going to stop, when it's all gone???????